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How Quickly Does Restylane Work?

It’s normal to see changes in your skin as you get older, but you might not like the way these changes make you look. If you’d like to get back a more youthful appearance, our team at Prizant Dermatology in Pittsburgh, PA can help. Here’s what our Restylane treatments can do for you.

How Quickly Does Restylane Work?

If you are seeing prominent signs of aging on your face and you’re looking for an effective and fast-acting solution, Restylane might just be the perfect treatment for you. As soon as this filler is injected into your desired areas, it takes up space beneath the skin, smoothing out wrinkles and offering you a change in your appearance immediately.

These won’t be the full results of your treatment, however. It takes only a week for your treatment to take full effect, offering you a youthful, healthy appearance.

What Is Restylane?

This is an injectable dermal filler made with hyaluronic acid as the main ingredient. Hyaluronic acid is a sugar that you can naturally find already present in your skin, as well as in other areas of your body. Its main job is to provide hydration and lubrication to your body by attracting moisture molecules.

There are several different formulas available for this filler, each of which can target different areas of your face. It’s designed to offer you natural-looking, long-lasting, and safe results to help you look and feel better in your skin.

How Does It Work?

In your youth, your skin contains high levels of chemicals like elastin and collagen, which are the proteins providing your skin with its structure. Your skin also contains more hyaluronic acid, which is what makes your face appear youthful and full. As you get older, however, your body can produce these chemicals less effectively which results in changes like sagging, wrinkling, and a loss of fullness.

This dermal filler fills in the space under your skin once it’s been injected, smoothing out wrinkles and lifting skin that’s started to sag with age. Hyaluronic acid also helps to stimulate your body’s production of collagen to help your skin maintain its elasticity.

What Areas Does It Target?


One of the places on your face where you’ll likely notice a pretty significant loss of volume is in your cheeks. The older you get, the more you’ll find your cheeks thinning, making you appear gaunt and even sickly in some cases.

To combat this and help you maintain a much younger look, consider getting this injectable. It will put this lost volume back into your cheeks, making them appear rounder and fuller. As an added benefit, this can also make your cheekbones look much more defined.


As you’ve gotten older, have you noticed the skin around your jawline starting to sag? The more your skin loses fullness and elasticity, the stronger a hold gravity will take on it, pulling it down and causing jowls to form.

This can be an extremely frustrating sign of aging. If you don’t like the way jowls are affecting your appearance, then getting this filler injected into your cheeks can help. As it adds volume to your cheeks, it will lift your sagging skin and smooth out your jawline, reducing the appearance of your jowls.

Nasolabial Folds

Nasolabial folds, also known as laugh lines or smile lines, are the folds that you find between your nose and your mouth. They are often some of the first lines to appear on one’s face since the mouth is one of the most mobile areas.

They can significantly age your overall appearance, especially as they become deeper with time. If you’d like to maintain a more youthful look, then you can get either Restylane’s Refyne formula for mild folds or Defyne formula if your folds appear more severe.


Many people will find that their lips begin to appear thinner as they get older. However, some people simply have thin lips as a result of their genetics. Regardless of why you have thin lips, you may find that they affect your appearance in a way you don’t like, especially since they can make you appear much more severe than you really are.

To help your appearance stay young and healthy, consider getting this dermal filler. It can fill in your lips, making them full and youthful. If your lips are uneven, then this filler can also help them to appear more symmetrical.

Lipstick Lines

Lipstick lines, also often called smoker lines, are the lines that appear vertically on your lips. Not only can they make you look older, but they can even make your lips appear unhealthy.

If you’d like to reduce the severity of these lines, then this dermal filler can offer you the perfect solution. As you add more volume to your lips, it will take up space beneath the skin and smooth out the lines you may have noticed forming there.


The skin around your eyes is much thinner than the skin you’ll find on the rest of your face. This is why it’s so important to be gentle when you’re touching this area. It’s also why this is one of the first areas to show signs of aging.

As the skin around your eyes thins, you’ll likely notice things like crow’s feet which are the little lines extending from the outer corners of your eyes. You might also notice bags forming under them. You can get this filler injected into the area to help your eyes look brighter and more youthful.

What Will Happen During Treatment?

Preparing for Your Appointment

Before you can get your injections, there are a few things that you’ll need to do to prepare. When we have our consultation with you, we’ll make sure that you know everything you need to know before you arrive for your injections. Make sure to follow our instructions to keep treatment safe and effective.

There are just a few things to remember in the 24 to 48 hours before you get treatment. Make sure that you avoid medications like aspirin and supplements like St. John’s wort, since these can thin your blood and potentially cause bruising around the injection sites. The same is true for alcohol and tobacco.

Getting Your Injections

Our team is committed to making sure that your experience with us is as comfortable and safe as possible. Don’t hesitate to ask any questions or bring up any concerns you may have. We will be happy to answer them. Before we can begin applying the injections, we’ll thoroughly clean the areas where you’ll be getting them. We can also apply a small amount of topical numbing cream.

Once your skin is ready, we’ll start injecting the product. We’ll apply small amounts at a time to your desired areas to ensure that you get the most accurate results. The entire treatment process should take less than an hour.

After Your Restylane Treatment

Because this treatment is non-invasive, you can leave the clinic as soon as it’s completed. To ensure that your skin heals properly, there are just a few things that you’ll have to remember. We’ll provide you with complete instructions before you leave our clinic.

For the next few days, your skin is going to be more sensitive than normal. You’ll need to avoid direct sunlight as it can burn more easily. Keep avoiding substances like alcohol and tobacco. As long as you bear these instructions in mind, you can get back to your normal life right away.

How Long Do Results Last?

One of the biggest benefits of getting this treatment is that you can expect long-lasting results. While there are no dermal fillers that can provide permanent results, you can enjoy your Restylane treatment for anywhere between 6 to 18 months.

What Will the Results Be Like?

This dermal filler is easy to customize, meaning that you’ll be able to get exactly the results you’re looking for from your treatment. We’ll discuss your goals before your treatment to ensure that the changes to your appearance are just as dramatic or subtle as you want them to be.

Call Our Clinic Today

If you are thinking about getting Restylane treatments, it’s important to make sure you’re getting them from the right place. Our clinic is ready to provide you with the safe, effective treatment you’re looking for. Get in touch with us at Prizant Dermatology in Pittsburgh, PA.

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